

是說其實 Zebach 的BGM很好聽 (笑)

在 Youtube 發現有關於這名稱的解說,就順道來這裡紀錄下
英文英文是渣渣只好用谷歌翻譯來腦補 XD"


Zebach意為希伯來語中的「犧牲」,所以可能還有另一個BOSS,還有個我們還未遇到的稱之為“Gabriel”是基督教的天使之一。當你想到這一代時真的有很多希伯來/猶太音調。 甚至有一個希伯來語參考Girgashiy:Girgashiy(發音為ghir-gaw-shee')來自未使用的名稱patrial(不確定的引申); Girgashite是迦南的一個土著部落,意思為: 思想的食物......

Also fun fact I realized. Zebach means 'a sacrifice' in Hebrew and there might be another boss I haven't gotten to yet called 'Gabriel' which is one of the Christan's God's angels. This generation really has a lot of hebrew/jewish tones when you think about it. There's even a hebrew reference for Girgashiy: Girgashiy (pronounced ghir-gaw-shee') patrial from an unused name (of uncertain derivation); a Girgashite, one of the native tribes of Canaan:--Girgashite, Girgasite. Food for Thought....


還有一件事,如果我們最終戰鬥el elyon / yahwah /亞伯拉罕之神,因為章節結局我可以作為半神我能擁有他的蝗蟲群嗎?因為註意到我說你想讓你像一群阻擋太陽的蝗蟲一樣死去。它有助於我有一個蚱蜢和蝗蟲的恐懼症。

oh and one more thing if we end up fighting el elyon/yahwah/the god of abraham as the chapters finale can I as a demigod can i have his swarm of locusts power? because noting says i want you dead quite like a swarm of locusts that block out the sun. it helps that i have a phobia of grasshoppers and locusts.


this generation is based on the Christian invasion of Ireland.





其他的段落找時間我再翻譯看看,或找人 XD"




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